Thursday, August 13, 2009

First BLOG!

I have been meaning to do this for a few years now.. encouraged my daughter to do it, she actually DID it, and then in turn inspired me to finally make the move too! *sheesh*
I shoulda just done it in the first place! And set the example!
But this says a lot about me, and my complacency in a lot of things in life! I want to do a great many things on my minds endless "to do:" list! Hopefully this will be a fresh start!
In future blogs, I will write about everything and anything that comes to mind.. Love, friendship, parenting, art, God, books, my poetry, or poetry that I like, & my life. It should be rather interesting!
Even if no-one reads it, maybe it will be a great "outlet" for me. I know it will help me reflect on what I am thinking, feeling, praying about, etc. And I think it will prompt me and inspire me to motion! To DO the things on my "to do" list.. to live out of my own set of "virtues".. to reflect and make decisions that will affect me, my life and the lives of those entwined with my own!

So follow, or don't. But it is me, who I am, and who I seek to be. My heart will be poured out for all to see and the contents revealed, as messy as they are! Raw and without apology.
So, thanks for checking it out! I will write more probably later on today or tomorrow, and will try to make it a priority.
I love you all.
♥ Roxy

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